
Start your MLM Business

Network marketing or Multi-Level Marketing is a smart business opportunity that you can venture into for a profitable revenue stream. In today’s ever-changing environment, network marketing offers you an opportunity to make money and develop yourself exponentially.

We can help you Create your Brand

The first step of building of business is branding. We, at Geer, we provide.

Logo Design – with maximum of 3 samples and 2 revisions.

Website – Home, About Us, Shop, News, Contact Us, Login, Register Pages.

Choose your Product you want to sell

The sky’s the limit. You can think of any product you want to sell.

For some new direct sellers, choosing a product is not an issue. They love a particular product and want to sell it and also buy it at a discount for themselves. Even when that is the case, though, in order to be successful you need to think through the pros and cons of your product choice.

  • Do you think highly of the product? It’s much harder to sell something you don’t feel strongly about. Most likely you will begin by selling to your friends and family, so be sure that you are willing to stand behind the product. Be especially careful with products that make health claims.
  • Is the product consumable? A product that gets used up has the potential for repeat customers in a way that durable goods do not.
  • What is the quality of the product? Whether a product is consumable or not, quality and reputation are important factors in building a base of repeat customers.
  • What is the price of the product? Although non-consumables like jewelry and home goods may not have repeat sales, they tend to be priced higher and therefore offer the opportunity for greater revenue per sale.
  • Who will buy this product? It might seem easier to sell a product that appeals to a broad segment, but goods with a narrower customer base can be successful if that aligns with your own personal network of friends and acquaintances. For instance, if you are the mother of preschoolers, then toys and books for young children will appeal to the people you know, for now at least.
  • Is the product a luxury item or a necessity? Luxury items usually have a higher price point and do well around the holidays. However, in tough economic times, sales of luxury items become much more difficult.

Ready Made MLM System

System that helps you streamline your delivery and payment process at every stage so that your business could flourish. You can easily dispatch items using various delivery options by using this MLM

  • Member’s Dashboard
  • Member’s Encashment
  • Member’s Discount
  • Genealogy
  • Code Generation
  • Stockiest
  • Basic Accounting

Registration of Business

Business registration is important for creating a brand name. A brand name is valuable assets of any business so before getting a brand name you have to register your business.

It could broaden your potential client, because many customers and suppliers prefer to deal with a Private Company as opposed to an individual. Furthermore, being registered will allow you to pitch for business to larger corporates and government.

Choose your Compensation Plan

Compensation Plan are typical ways to earn that are commonly used by the companies.

  • Binary Plan
  • Binary MLM System
  • Unilevel MLM System
  • Matrix Plan
  • Matrix MLM System
  • Board Plan
  • Hybrid Plan

Worry no more. Sitback, relax and we got you! Our MLM System starts at Php 90,000 at the basic package.