
Compensation Plan

Based to the modern Multi-Level Marketing System or Marketing-Level Strategies, you can choose to different number of network marketing plans. We have the best and customized Multi-Level Marketing Compensation plan for all the Multi-Level Marketing companies to run their Multi-Level Marketing business more effectively. Learn about the different Multi-Level Marketing plans and choose the best Multi-Level Marketing plan for your Multi-Level Marketing business.

Binary MLM System

Binary MLM System is a web application that helps to manage binary networks such as to keep track on downline’s incomes and expenditure. It reduces the manual works done by the Multi-Level Marketing companies.

Unilevel MLM System

Unilevel MLM System is a web-based application that assists the Unilevel MLM plan and monitors downline income and expenditure, manages the manual work of the companies more effectively.

Matrix Plan

Matrix MLM Plan follows the fixed depth and width structure. It is one of the trendy Multi-Level Marketing Plans available in the market now. The Matrix plan, also known as Forced Matrix Compensation Plan. The basic formula of this plan is calculated in the “width * Depth” form.

Binary Plan

Binary MLM Plan known as (2 x n) Matrix Plan whereas the ‘n’ represents infinity. Binary Multi-Level Marketing Plan is very easy to use and highly profitable for users and plans owners simultaneously. The major distributors of a binary plan are also called Business Centers.

Unilevel Plan

UniLevel MLM Plan is one of the easiest concepts in Multi-Level Marketing business and it allows you to sponsor only one line of distributors. Each individual can easily explain this Unilevel Plan to newcomers. Without limitation, this plan can be root very long allowing each member to add as many downlines as possible.

Matrix MLM System

Matrix MLM System is a web-based application that follows the Matrix Multi-Level Marketing plan and helps to keep track of on downline’s income and expenditure. It reduces the manual work done by the companies.

Gift Plan

MLM Gift Plan is also known as Donation Plan or Help Plan. MLM Gift Plan is the brand new version of network marketing or multilevel marketing. With a great assurance of success, most of the Multi-Level Marketing Companies prefer investing their money, time and efforts by purchasing this plan.

Board Plan

Board MLM Plan is also known as Revolving Matrix Plan. In this, the board always split when it is filled and the board leader graduates to the second board that is revolving. It is considered as one of the trending network marketing structure plans.

Hybrid Plan

Hybrid MLM plan is a combination of two or more traditional compensations plans. It is used by the MLM Company for the growth and development of business assistance. In this plan, only one step (or) stage can be concentrated for some period. The affiliates will also get more income from this plan. Usually, the combination of binary and unilevel Multi-Level Marketing plan are preferred.

Stair Step Plan

MLM Plan which is used by many large established companies today. In stairstep Breakaway pay scale is based on the product being moved and volume being generated in your business. Here the members are permitted to sponsor an unlimited number of distributors/associates. Also according to this plan, the affiliate will get more income.

Party MLM Plan

Party MLM Plan promotes the Multi-level Marketing business by organizing social events. MLM companies or distributors will introduce their products to the people via meeting or directly calling them at home. Party Plan is considered as one of the latest Multi-Level Marketing strategies.

Generation MLM Plan

Generation plan is based on generation structure. Usually, the generation income is distributed as per generation levels. The plan is based on a pure product selling concept. Generation Plan is a Network Marketing Business Plan which can be paid many levels deep. It works perfectly with clients who are having large consumer durable products.

Monoline MLM Plan

This MLM plan has become a new trend in recent years. Every member in this plan came on the same line. This plan is an appendage to fall in the same single (or) “Mono” line.

Spill over Binary Plan

The Spillover Plan is similar to the Binary plan. The only difference is that the upline member joins more than required new IDs in the downline, the extra joining’s are treated as spill over. The upline member gets the special benefit for this spill that ensures more activity of the upline members.

Australian X-Up Plan

Australian X-Up is the modified version of the Unilevel. Modern Australian X-Up plan is an adulteration of the Unilevel. The Modern Australia One-up, Two-Up, or Three-Up, or X-Up or any distinction of ups. The admin can define any x-up type and also have control over pass-up commissions.

Australian Binary Plan

MLM Plan which is very simple to understand and somehow similar to the tri-binary MLM Plan. This plan is the extension of the American Binary Business Plan. People looking for perfect MLM Solutions, will give privilege to the Australian binary plan as well.