
Payroll Solution

Is an application used to manage, organize and automate employee payment? Tracks all payments and maintains all payment records. Varies in price and features and can be used by small businesses as well as large corporations.

Payroll System Development

Project Objective: A platform that optimizes the total of all the compensation a business must pay to its employees for a set period of time or on a given date.

Price Starts: Php 20,000

Payroll Capable: 

  • Direct Deposit
  • Self Service to Employee
  • Tax Filling
  • Accounting & Time Integration
  • Compliances Management


Direct Deposit

HR electronically put an employee’s wages directly into the software. Usually, employers collect a voided check to verify the information. When you use direct deposit, you need to provide employees with a pay stub. Pay stub information shows an employee’s pay and deductions.

Self Service to Employees

You can now see every information needed and in just one click, you can confirm your payslip through the system.

Tax Filling

You can view the deduction as taxes needed and in just one click, you can confirm your payslip through the system if you’re fine with the salary.

Accounting & Time Integration

Electronic time tracking can collect, track, and manage employee work hours and pay, freeing up HR staff to work on higher level tasks that cannot be automated.

Compliance Management

Maintain compliance by allowing managers to set notifications and to be immediately alerted of scheduling conflicts. In addition, it’s possible to manage overtime to help  your business remain within government, contractual, and company guidelines regarding scheduling and compensation.

Benefits of Payroll System


A company’s reputation is everything and having a payroll system in place helps to maintain this. Not only does it ensure that all your employees are paid on time, it ensures that your company is adhering to all the tax and employment regulations. Ensuring all of this legislation is met with further establish your company as a reliable and reputable employer. This will ultimately add value to your company and attract not only new customers but also talented potential employees.

2. Regulation

The ever-watching eye of HMRC is always bearing down upon a profusely sweating accounts administrator somewhere in the country. And indeed, making sure that stringent regulations are adhered to can often be more time consuming than actually doing the job to begin with. Newer payroll systems take the weight and hassle away, streamlining and destressing the process.

3. Employees

Your employees are what make your company. Ensuring that morale is upkept is key to a good working environment. Your employees will want to feel safe and secure in their job with the knowledge that they will be paid consistently and on time each month. Any late or incorrect pay may lead to employees being upset and questioning their financial future at the company. This will ultimately create an unrestful and negative workplace which is why using a reliable payroll system is of such importance.

4. Financial Structure

One of the greatest benefits an employee will find from a payroll is the ability to look towards the future and see their annual salary and to see their net worth. Systems allows them to not only see what they will be earning but also their bonuses, benefits and any pay increases as this is all provided in the payroll system. This is likely to improve your employees’ performance and ultimately will improve the efficiency and day to day running in the workplace.

Ultimately, it’s obviously prudent (for those of you who haven’t already) to switch from old school methods and outdated practices, to a streamlined and secure payroll suite. Products now can tailor their solution to any conceivable industry, and slot in nicely and without major adjustment to procedures. 


Once all the asset are ready given by the client, We can finished the system in 2 Weeks at most 6 Weeks.


Give us a call at 09451600366 or email us on