
Matrix MLM System

A web-based application that follows the Matrix Multi-Level Marketing plan and helps to keep track of on downline’s income and expenditure. It reduces the manual work done by the Multi-Level Marketing companies. Matrix Multi-Level Marketing System is efficient for Multi-Level Marketing organizations of all sizes, whether they are small or big.

Bonuses in Matrix MLM System

Sponsor Bonus

The Sponsor bonus is the amount earned from adding the downline members on the front line. The commonly used Matrix MLM Plan includes 2×2, 4 x 7, 5×7, 3×9, 2×12 of width and depth.

Level Commissions

Level Commission is the bonus earned by recruiting new distributors. The level commission can be received when the front line members hire new members and get a commission from their sales. This level can be extended to the nth level.

Position Bonus

Position Bonus is an opportunity to earn an additional income. A member will be qualified for the position bonus when the downline team members recruit new members and they join within their matrix.

For example, if the matrix is 3*3, a member will be eligible to receive a position bonus when a new member joins in his 3rd down a level. The percentage of position bonuses can be enabled and disabled as per the requirement.

Matching Bonus

A Matching Bonus is a commission received by the sponsors based on the earnings of downline distributors whom they have sponsored. For example, if there’s a 15% matching bonus, and distributor X sponsors distributor Y; When distributor Y earns sales or any other commission or reward, the sponsoring distributor X – would earn a 15% match of the downline distributor Y.

Forced Matrix Bonus

Matrix Bonus is also an additional compensation to the distributors. The members will be eligible for this bonus when they fill their matrix with downline members.

Adopted as Universal MLM Plan

As it is easy to run an MLM business with this plan, it is a universally adopted business model by most of the MLM companies.

Matrix MLM Features

Easy Customization

Ecommerce Ready

Multi Currency

Matrix Compensation Calculation


There are many advantages which that turn the plan support in earning better productivity, especially for the one who picks this as a part-time distributor. An efficient software will help the business to manage all the parameters of a Matrix compensation.

Due to its width restriction when compared to depth restriction, the distributors can focus on developing downlines once the frontline distributors are filled.

It is a very rigid plan where the distributors are allowed to place the new members on certain positions and hence the new members will be flexible.