
Inventory Solutions

A type of application software that records and processes accounting transactions within functional modules such as accounts payable, accounts receivable, journal, general ledger, payroll, and trial balance. It functions as an accounting information system.

Inventory Development Service

Project Objective: A platform that can function systematically and comprehensively track records about business.

Price Starts: Php 20,000

Inventory Capable: 

  • Inventory Management
  • Generate Report
  • Inventory Tracking
  • Inventory Security and Backups
  • Barcoding & Tagging


Inventory Management

A systematic approach to sourcing, storing, and selling inventory. In business terms, inventory management means the right stock, at the right levels, in the right place, at the right time, and at the right cost as well as price.

Generate Report

Reports generation is the process of using a tool for creating reports primarily for business users.

Inventory Tracking

Monitors where a company’s inventory resides in the supply chain. Inventory tracking also provides a company with data on how much inventory it owns, where its inventories exist, the status of its inventories (damaged, returned, rejected, on hold) and it helps deter theft and loss.

Security and Backups

To secure everything, we provide you to have backups in case of uncertain situations.

Barcoding and Tagging

System used to capture and read information contained in a barcode. This will track and backup your data of the products.

Benefits of Accounting System

1.Minimized Storage Cost

 Include basic economic order quantity (EOQ) calculations. EOQ helps you identify the most cost-efficient method for ordering new products by weighing the costs of storing your products versus the cost of ordering your products.

Inventory management software can do this for you automatically so you can minimize your warehousing fees and save money.

2.Make Re-Ordering Easier

Good inventory management will enable you to copy recent purchase orders and choose specific item numbers and specs from a simple dropdown menu to help avoid errors.

3.Always Meet Delivery Dates

Lack of knowledge about where items are between the vendor and the store or warehouse can lead to late deliveries. With an accurate inventory management system, you can track your inventory at every step. 

4.Promote Brand Loyalty

Reducing your order processing time helps you keep the products your customers want on the shelf. Combine that with improved order accuracy and product quality, and you get customer loyalty.

They’re also more likely to recommend your business to other potential customers.

5.Boost Product Availability

This improves the likelihood that you’ll have enough product on your shelf when your customers want it, which in turn improves the chances that your customers will find the exact items they need (in their size, color, or other preferences).

6.Improved Order Accuracy

This feature helps you maintain an organized warehouse, which reduces the risk that you’ll simply shove new inventory into a random spot, forget it’s there, and lose track of your merchandise. It also helps warehouse employees pull items for customer orders with greater accuracy, so your customer actually gets what they ordered.

7.Minimizes Losses

Products that don’t sell are essentially losses to your business—you’ve already spent the money to make the items, but you can’t recoup that capital by selling the product. Inventory management software helps minimize this risk because many solutions include forecasting.

Forecasting involves tracking the number of units you’ve sold and estimating the number of units you’ll sell in the future. Even with an automated, computerized tool, forecasting isn’t 100% accurate.


Once all the asset are ready given by the client, We can finished the system in 2 Weeks at most 6 Weeks.


Give us a call at 09451600366 or email us on