
Point-Of-Sales (POS) Solutions

Is a place where a customer executes the payment for goods or services and where sales taxes may become payable. A POS transaction may occur in person or online, with receipts generated either in print or electronically.

POS Development Service

Project Objective: Provide a modern and easy to use system for businesses.

Price Starts: Php 20,000

System Capable: 

  • Billing Capable
  • Customer Relationship Experience
  • Generate Reports
  • Employee Management
  • Inventory Stock Management
  • Cross Channel Return Management
  • Loyalty Gifts

Top of the line Features

Billing Capable

It has the capability to generate order invoice, reprint and email to end customer along with adding the discount, customer details, additional remarks and salesman’s name to an order.

Customer Relationship & Management / Experience

A point of sale system can help you retain your customers by storing customer data and purchase history. This can be used to provide a personalized experience to your customer.

Sales & Generate Report

We can provide the system to generate reports digitally with one click away.

Employee management

POS system can be used to manage employees.  An employee management module of a POS system can help you manage your staffing levels, employee hours, and sales performance which helps you to track employee productivity.

Inventory Stock Management

The system should provide a view of lot-wise inventory, SKU transaction history about ‘in’, ‘out’ and ‘within’ movements of any SKU, and inbound & outbound inventory.

Cross Channel Return Management

The system should facilitate the creation of multiple returns for one sales order at different time intervals. It should capture details like the reason for return, salesperson’s name, and remarks.

Loyalty programs and gift cards

Instead of using traditional punch cards, you can now track your customer loyalty incentives using the POS system.

As the sales of gift cards is increasing every year, your POS system must have the capability to manage those as well.


Once all the asset are ready given by the client, We can finished the system in 2 Weeks at most 6 Weeks.


Give us a call at 09451600366 or email us on