
Australian X Up Plan System


How does it work?

Australian 2-up : The distributor or recruiter will not earn by recruiting the first two purchasers. The sponsor of the distributor earns the bonus. So the first two sales will go for the upline, and it is called a “2-Up” pay plan.

The recruiter earns the bonus only after recruiting the third purchaser or for recruiting the subsequent purchasers. From the third purchaser enrollment, the distributor or the recruiter starts earning the benefits generated by the enrolled purchasers.

Advantages of Australian 2-UP MLM Plan

  • It will pay large cash amounts per sale
  • It pays infinitely deep.
  • Any other number of bonuses can be added to the basic Australian structure.
  • Infinite MLM Software develops any Australian X-up plan like One-Up, Two-Up, Three-Up, or X-Up software, as per the requirement of the client.

Australian X Up Features

Easy Customization

Ecommerce Ready

Multi Currency

Australian X Up Plan Compensation Calculation